# |
type |
message |
1 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text" (/text.:sf_format) |
2 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_new" (/text/new.:sf_format) |
3 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_create" (/text.:sf_format) |
4 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_edit" (/text/:id/edit.:sf_format) |
5 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_update" (/text/:id.:sf_format) |
6 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_delete" (/text/:id.:sf_format) |
7 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_show" (/text/:id.:sf_format) |
8 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_object" (/text/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
9 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "text_collection" (/text/:action/action.:sf_format) |
10 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "contact" (/contact.:sf_format) |
11 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "contact_new" (/contact/new.:sf_format) |
12 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "contact_create" (/contact.:sf_format) |
13 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "contact_edit" (/contact/:id/edit.:sf_format) |
14 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "contact_update" (/contact/:id.:sf_format) |
15 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "contact_delete" (/contact/:id.:sf_format) |
16 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "contact_show" (/contact/:id.:sf_format) |
17 | sfPatternRouting | Match route "@page_display" (/:code.html) for /nos-producteurs-bio-partenaires.html with parameters array ( 'module' => 'page', 'action' => 'display', 'code' => 'nos-producteurs-bio-partenaires',) |
18 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
19 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "TokenAuthFilter" |
20 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
21 | pageActions | Call "pageActions->executeDisplay()" |
22 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () |
23 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.code AS c__code, c.title AS c__title, c.subtitle AS c__subtitle, c.content AS c__content, c.published AS c__published, c.layout AS c__layout, c.metadesc AS c__metadesc FROM cms_page c WHERE (c.code = ?) LIMIT 1 - (nos-producteurs-bio-partenaires) |
24 | myView | Render "sf_root_dir/plugins/lleCmsPlugin/modules/page/templates/displaySuccess.php" |
25 | myPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/page/templates/_display.php" |
26 | main | Set slot "title" |
27 | myView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/labelleferme/layout.php" |
28 | myView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/labelleferme/layout.php" |
29 | main | Get slot "title" |
30 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/labelleferme/_menu.php" |
31 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/labelleferme/_sidebarGauche.php" |
32 | main | Call "panier->executeMiniPanier()" |
33 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT a.id AS a__id, a.user_id AS a__user_id, a.offre_id AS a__offre_id, a.session_id AS a__session_id, a.produit_id AS a__produit_id, a.prix_ttc AS a__prix_ttc, a.quantite AS a__quantite, a.abo AS a__abo, a.duree AS a__duree, a.nbsem AS a__nbsem, a.date_debut AS a__date_debut, a.date_fin AS a__date_fin, a.renouvelable AS a__renouvelable, a.recurence AS a__recurence, a.dissociee AS a__dissociee, a.parent_id AS a__parent_id, a.created_at AS a__created_at, a.updated_at AS a__updated_at FROM adherent_panier a WHERE (a.produit_id > ? AND a.session_id = ?) ORDER BY CONCAT(COALESCE(a.parent_id, a.id), '_', a.id) - (0, dmmedeu1j01tbgq50kkidmbe04) |
34 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT SUM(a.quantite * a.prix_ttc * IF(p.pack_nb > 1, p.pack_nb, 1)) AS p__0 FROM adherent_panier a INNER JOIN produit p ON a.produit_id = p.id WHERE (a.produit_id > ? AND (p.type = 'produit' OR p.type = 'panier') AND a.session_id = ?) - (0, dmmedeu1j01tbgq50kkidmbe04) |
35 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_results FROM adherent_panier a WHERE a.session_id = ? - (dmmedeu1j01tbgq50kkidmbe04) |
36 | myPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/panier/templates/_miniPanier.php" |
37 | myPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/panier/templates/_miniPanierContent.php" |
38 | main | Call "sfGuardAuth->executeSignin_form()" |
39 | myPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/sfGuardAuth/templates/_signin_form.php" |
40 | main | Call "news->executeWidget()" |
41 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT n.id AS n__id, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.image AS n__image, n.content AS n__content, n.date_news AS n__date_news, n.date_publish_start AS n__date_publish_start, n.is_active AS n__is_active, n.slider AS n__slider, n.ordre AS n__ordre FROM news n WHERE (n.is_active = ? AND (n.date_publish_start <= NOW() OR n.date_publish_start IS NULL)) ORDER BY n.date_news DESC LIMIT 3 - (1) |
42 | myPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/news/templates/labelleferme/_widget.php" |
43 | myPartialView | Render "sf_root_dir/plugins/lleNewsPlugin/modules/news/templates/_image.php" |
44 | main | Call "recette->executeWidget()" |
45 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT r.id AS r__id, r.libelle AS r__libelle, r.difficulte AS r__difficulte, r.type AS r__type, r.temps_preparation AS r__temps_preparation, r.temps_cuisson AS r__temps_cuisson, r.personne AS r__personne, r.instruction AS r__instruction, r.composition AS r__composition, r.prix AS r__prix, r.mois01 AS r__mois01, r.mois02 AS r__mois02, r.mois03 AS r__mois03, r.mois04 AS r__mois04, r.mois05 AS r__mois05, r.mois06 AS r__mois06, r.mois07 AS r__mois07, r.mois08 AS r__mois08, r.mois09 AS r__mois09, r.mois10 AS r__mois10, r.mois11 AS r__mois11, r.mois12 AS r__mois12, r.origine AS r__origine, r.photo AS r__photo, r.actif AS r__actif FROM recette r WHERE (r.mois12 = ? AND r.actif = ?) ORDER BY r.id DESC LIMIT 5 - (1, 1) |
46 | myPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/recette/templates/_widget.php" |
47 | myPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/_flashes.php" |
48 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/labelleferme/_footer.php" |
49 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/labelleferme/_google_analytics.php" |
50 | sfWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
51 | sfWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |